12 Reasons to Shop Local

During this unprecedented year, it's people like you who have made all of the difference in your communities. By choosing to shop small over big-box retailers, you are helping propel your community forward when you support the small businesses that make your neighborhood unique.

12 Reasons to Support Small Businesses 

  1. You are ALWAYS Our Priority. Small businesses will go the extra mile to show you that you matter. We are always happy to help come up with a custom nutrition plan for your pet or special order products when needed. This dedication to our community members cannot be matched by big-box and chain retailers. 
  2. Connection. When you come into stores, we know you and your pup by name and we are ready to give you a customized shopping experience. Plus, you have the opportunity to become a member of our Grand Champions Club and attend exclusive events to connect with other members of your community.
  3. Unique Products. Simply put, there are products at Cherrybrook that you can't find at chain retail pet stores. We carry premium, holistic pet options and thoughtfully curated inventory. We listen to the needs of our community and stock our shelves accordingly.
  4. Non-Profit and Charity Support. Local businesses support local charities and non-profits in your community. Small businesses donate 250% more than larger businesses to local nonprofits and community causes, according to data compiled by SCORE. During the holiday season, every store has a "giving tree," stop in and donate an item to give to your local shelter!
  5. Local Economic Stimulus. When you shop at locally owned businesses rather than nationally owned or online retailers, you are helping fuel economic stimulus in your community. Locally-owned businesses often purchase from other local businesses -- including service providers, farms, and more. When you support one small business, you are helping grow many other small businesses in your area.
  6. Community Uniqueness. Small businesses help make up the character of your community. Not only does this business make your community special, but it also boosts your local economy and overall satisfaction to where you live. Every town will have a chain store, but not every town will have a Cherrybrook. Small businesses help form a source of identification for your area.
  7. Better Customer Service. Small businesses hire people with more specific product expertise for better customer service. We are proud to be your local pet care partner. Each of our stores are staffed by seasoned pet professionals ready to answer your pet care questions.
  8. Environmentally Conscious. Small businesses often set up shop in town centers, providing a centralized variety of businesses that people can walk to. This generally contributes less to sprawl, congestion, habitat loss, and pollution.
  9. Happier Employees. Did you know that small businesses have the happiest employees? According to a Gallup poll, 75% of small business workers surveyed said they were "very" or "extremely" satisfied in their role with a small employer. When there are unique businesses in your community, you are provided with the opportunity to be employed by a great workplace and have more pleasant shopping experiences with happy employees at your local business. Happy employees give the best customer service because they're happy to help you!
  10. Community Investment. Supporting businesses owned by members of your community is an investment in the future and the welfare of your community. You are supporting your friends and neighbors, and they are giving back to your community by providing a needed service.
  11. Beneficial to the Community Without High Costs. Local businesses are typically smaller than chain stores. Because of this, small businesses require small infrastructure and don't utilize a high degree of public services in comparison to big-box retailers.
  12. Diverse Market and Consumer Choices. Small businesses provide market diversity and create healthy competition within a community. When small businesses thrive in any given neighborhood, other small businesses are provided the opportunity to come in and create a diverse market.

    For these reasons and more, thank you for shopping local!
