Have A Safe and Happy Howl-a-day Party with your Pets

The Holidays are fast approaching and our furry friends want in on the friends, food, and merry! There are certain things you should keep in mind when looking to include your pets in the Holiday Festivities.

Our pets love routines, so try your best to keep to their regular schedules. Too much change can sometimes lead to a very stressed out pet which may result in unwanted behaviors. The Holiday’s can be a very busy time for us, but it is important that your pets feeding time and walking time remain as close to normal as possible. Remember; happy pet, happy you.

Many of us enjoy a good Holiday party or dinner with friends and family. Some of our furry friends love to be in on the action, while others do not. If your pet does not do well with large groups of people, set up a room for them to go as a sanctuary. 

Your cat or dog may want to hide out away from the hustle and bustle until the guests have all gone. Make sure they have plenty of water and a cozy bed in a separate room for the duration of the gathering. There are plenty of holistic calming remedies available to make this time easier on your shy pets, like Heavenly Hounds Bars and Rescue Remedy.

If your pet is a social butterfly and basks in the attention of guests, make sure there are healthy pet treats available. We all love to spoil our pets, and Grandma is no exception. Having pet treats available for your guests to give your dog or cat will help to avoid them getting table scraps from overeager guests. Alcoholic beverages, fatty, spicy human foods, as well as cooked bones, should not be fed to your furry companions as it can lead to diarrhea or hazardous blockages in the stomach.
