Are Jackets Really Necessary for My Dog This Winter?

During this time of year there are plenty of dogs walking the streets with sweaters and jackets. You may wonder, “Are these really necessary for my dog?” Aside from being cute as all get out, sweaters and jackets do have a purpose for dogs. Let’s explore some winter weather gear and discuss if your dog needs it, and how he or she would benefit from seasonal apparel.

Sweaters and jackets can be found in our store and come in a variety of sizes, colors, and patterns. These items are important for dogs that have thin, single layered coats. These breeds include, but are not limited to, Maltese, Briards, and Yorkshire terriers. On the other hand, double coated breeds who are bred to withstand the colder temperatures and wind chill, like Labrador Retrievers, Newfoundlands, Siberian Huskies, and St. Bernards, do not have a strong need for added warmth.

But if your dog is older, very young, or on the smaller side you should consider a jacket for them during this time of year no matter what the breed. Age and size contribute to the dogs’ overall ability to regulate its own body temperature. Many jackets offer a weather resistant feature. This will ensure your pet stays dry even when out in the snow, rain, or sleet. Getting wet during this cold weather makes it even more difficult to stay warm. Even a double coated breed could benefit from a windbreaker or rain slicker on cold rainy and snowy days if only to help them stay dry.

If you have been on the receiving end of a good shake when your dog comes in from a romp outside you will know what we mean.  Every dog is different, if you notice your dog seems cold in this weather, buy a jacket to keep them cozy when outside.

CB Pet Market offers a variety of coats and sweaters in our stores and online. Not sure how to find the right size? Our associates will help fit your dog for the perfect size! Not sure if your pet needs a coat, our team can help you decide.
