Take a Chance

Some of my fondest childhood memories include dogs. Growing up, I was surrounded by animals and I loved every second of it. I knew that I wanted to get a dog, but was waiting for the right time in my life to adopt.  Everything sort of fell into place at exactly the right time.  

Once my husband and I bought a house I knew that we would soon be ready for a new addition to the family. We wanted to wait until we were settled in before hand. Turns out, we wouldn’t need to wait long. A friend of mine in Texas Rescue’s dogs and fosters them until they can find their forever home. She posted pictures on Facebook of this adorable 5 week old puppy, who was being sold on the side of the street in exchange for a T-shirt. My friend immediately stepped in and took him home. She nursed him back to health and I watched all of this transpire through Facebook, falling in love all over again every time I saw his face.  

One day when we were speaking on the phone, she said, jokingly I think, “You should rescue him, I can train him for you and bring him up to you when he is ready”. After that I knew I just had to have him, a few weeks later she came up to visit and brought him with her. 

Due to his goofy nature, we named him Gus, after the mouse Gus-Gus from Cinderella. Having a dog has brought such love into our home. Dogs bring a light into our lives unlike anything else in this world. There are so many out there just waiting for their chance to bring love and light into your life. Take a chance on a rescue dog; I know I’m glad I did.

 Written by : Lori Horton
