Proper Digestion is Crucial to Pet Health

Even as adults, most of us can recall childhood admonitions about the dangers of eating too much or too fast. The caveats, “’s bad for your digestion” or “…you’ll get a stomach ache” still ring in our ears each time the opportunity to eat and run arises. Our pets are no different.

Eating or drinking too quickly can be dangerous to your pet—causing relatively benign health issues like indigestion and gas, or more serious complications such as vomiting, bloat in dogs, or the potentially fatal gastric dilatation and volvulus syndrome (GDV).

Why are dogs at risk for digestive problems? The tendency of dogs to eat quickly dates to their history as pack animals when eating quickly meant a greater share of the available food. Even today, domestic dogs—particularly those that live in multiple-dog households--can feel a sense of competition that translates into rapid eating and possible canine digestive distress.

What is Bloat?
Bloat occurs when the stomach becomes distended and filled with air causing discomfort and pressure on the surrounding organs.

What is GDV?
Dog Bloat becomes more serious when volvulus occurs with gastric dilatation and the gas and pressure cause the stomach to twist. When the stomach rotates, the air becomes trapped, the blood supply is cut off and other major organs, especially the spleen, can be affected. At this point, the tissue of the stomach and surrounding organs starts to die and death of the dog is imminent without immediate surgical intervention.

How can the EatBetter and DrinkBetter products can help?
The EatBetter and DrinkBetter bowls from Contech Electronics are designed to slow the pace of your dog’s consumption in order to improve nutrient absorption, reduce dog digestive problems and minimize the health issues associated with fast-paced eating and drinking.

Specific benefits of the EatBetter Bowl:

Encourages slower, healthier eating
Reduces vomiting and stomach bloating
Improves absorption of nutrients through better digestion
Sturdy, non-skid designHigh-quality, food-grade, dishwasher-safe plastic

Specific benefits of the DrinkBetter Bowl:
Slows your dog’s drinking
Reduces choking and vomiting
Reduces water spills
Keeps ears dry and minimizes muzzle staining from chlorinated water
High-quality, food-grade, dishwasher-safe plastic
Sturdy, non-skid design
